• Abstract/Full-Text Paper Submission Deadline
    Jul 29
    Sep 4
  • Notification of Acceptance/Revision/Rejection
    Sep 9
    Sep 23
  • Submission Deadline of a Revised Paper
    Sep 23
    Sep 30
  • 2nd Notification of Acceptance/Revision/Rejection
    Sep 30
    Oct 7
  • Early Bird Registration
    Oct 7
  • Standard Registration
    Nov 7
  • Pre-Conference Workshop
    Dec 7
1. Create an account
  • All submissions to conference must be made electronically via the online submission and peer review system at link or via the SUBMIT button. E-mailed submissions will not be accepted.
  • First-time users must create an account in the submission system first. For non-IMT-GT members, please manually provide the name of your institution. During this step, please select
    • Submission category (full paper or abstract only). For proceedings or journal publication, full paper MUST be submitted.
    • Conference track (click here). If your submission relates to more than 1 track, please select the one that best matched your paper.
    • Type of presentation (oral or poster).
    • Please note that specifying track or type of presentation as a preference does not guarantee placement in that category. The final presentation track and format will be determined by the scientific committee.
  • After you have created your account, you can login to the system and submit an abstract or full paper of your work.
  • If you have any question regarding to the registration or the submission. Please feel free to contact us through email imt.gt.biosci2022@gmail.com.
2. Manuscript preparation and submission
  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to submit a single file (.doc/.docx file) of an abstract or full paper through the online submission system at at link or via the SUBMIT button. The inappropriate manuscripts will be disapproved for review and returned to author before the peer-review process.
  • Please see below the author guidelines and word template, and then format your paper accordingly.
  • All submissions must be in English. Please select only one of following submission categories (abstract only/full paper) for each of your submission.
  • The system will send an email to confirm your submission. Once the full paper review process is completed, you will receive acceptance/revision/rejection notification with reviews by email.
The deadline for paper submission in all categories is September 4, 2022.
Submission categories

Please be informed that only short abstract will be published in the electronic version of conference book of abstracts and full papers will be send to the conference proceedings or journal.

An abstract (max. 350 words) is mandatory for both types of oral and poster presentations. The paper should be submitted via the online submission and peer review system at link or via the SUBMIT button. To be able to contribute, authors need to create an account, login, and please proceed to “Submit Paper”.

Publication types

Two types of publication will be offered for the IMT-GT Bioscience conference. Please prepare your paper according to one of the followings for each of your paper submission.

    1. Conference Proceedings in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES); indexed by Scopus 
      • For publication in IOP, please submit your paper via IOP’s publishing platform Morressier.
      • Papers submitted for proceedings will be selected through double-blind peer review process.
      • The proceedings published in IOP Conference Series are fully citable and upon publication will be free to download in perpetuity.
      • Please read carefully the author guidelines and policy.
      • By submitting a paper the author and all co-authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the IOP Proceedings Licence.
      • Please indicate “IOP submission” at the registration step. No publication fee is applied to accepted papers.
    1. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST); indexed by Scopus
      • For publication in SJST, please submit your paper via the online submission and peer review system at link or via the SUBMIT button.
      • All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and 20-50 accepted papers will be published in a Special section/issue of SJST journal.
      • To prepare your full manuscript for submitting to this journal, please use this provided template and the guideline of submission.
      • Please indicate “SJST submission” at the registration step and a publication fee ($250) is applied to the accepted papers.
3. Review process
  • All abstracts and full papers are confidential and are reviewed by the editor, members of the editorial board (track editors), or qualified reviewers.
  • When abstract or full papers is submitted, it is given a control number (e.g., xxxxxxxx) and assigned to one of the track editors. (Always refer to this control number in communications with the editor and the Conference.)
  • From there it is assigned to at least two independent experts for peer review of full papers. A single-blind review, where authors’ identities are known to reviewers, is applied. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to inform the coauthors of the manuscript’s status throughout the submission, review, and publication processes.
  • The reviewers operate under strict guidelines set forth in the “Reviewer Guidelines” and are expected to complete their reviews expeditiously. See the Reviewers section for additional information on reviewer support and recognition.
  • The corresponding author is notified, generally within 4 to 6 weeks after submission, of the editor’s decision to accept, reject, or require modification. When modification is requested, the corresponding author must either submit the modified version within 14 days or withdraw the manuscript.
  • A Marked-Up Manuscript file highlighting all the changes from the original manuscript submission must be uploaded. For the benefit of editors and reviewers assessing revisions, all changes in this file should be highlighted, no matter how minor. Please note that a manuscript may not necessarily be processed editorially until a version with all changes noted has been submitted.
4. Paper selection and publishing process
  • After the acceptance or revision of the submitted abstract or full paper is noticed, presenter is requested to make an early payment for the registration and SJST publication fee (if any) via at link or via the REGISTER button.
  • No later than October 7, 2022. Failure to do so, the paper will be excluded from the proceedings/journals.
  • Accepted full papers in the conference will be published either as the Conference Proceedings in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) or as the Research Articles in a Special Section/Issue of our cooperative journal (Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology; SJST). Please note that it could take up to 6 months before the accepted papers to be published.
  • Corresponding presenters must make the oral/poster presentation at the conference site otherwise the paper will be excluded from the publication.

Certificate for Presenters

Certificate for Participants

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